Avery Dennison Vintage Cookbook by 43oz
Graphic Design, Packaging, Product Design
- 2023


How do you cook a vintage design? 

Well, it’s not that hard, if you follow the recipe! Just take a large chunk of packaging design experience, divide it into several parts for convenience, mix in a glass of pure cask-strength inspiration, add a tablespoon of local ethnic spices, and sprinkle it with some craziness for seasoning. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

Well, as with any recipe, the devil is in the details. If you change the proportion of various ingredients, and lean too much on one thing or another, the final dish will be quite different from what you’ve envisaged when starting this whole endeavor. And in this cookbook we’ve decided to show you what you can end up with, if you play around with your recipes, while trying to cook a good vintage packaging design.

Because, after all, there are many different flavors to what vintage may be. Sometimes laid back, sometimes odd, sometimes downright scandalous, it can take on various forms and come from many different places. But no matter how you cook it, the core of it is all the same - the taste of good old times we keep looking back on for encouragement and inspiration. And we would like to take you on this little culinary adventure with us!