Vodka design – Ambarnaya
Graphic Design, Packaging, Product Design
- 2014


Label design of vodka “Ambarnaya” (translates as - grainery) was realized on request of «Kristal Plus» company, Azerbaijan, for distribution on a regional market. Project idea was to present a product in a special way that would refer the customer to the beginning of XX century, in pre-revolutionary time and would make an image of “grain/ of a good quality/ homegrown” drink. We performed label design in a vintage/ pre-revolutionary style, using heraldic motives and “speaking” elements (such as grain head, ponderous grainary pad lock ) which are supplemented with a distinct font.

As a result – product appearance remind of some kind of home-brew distillate. The character is complemented by the original bottle shape. Finally, the vodka label was performed in warm colours on a “wine” paper that is untypical for vodka but it creates an image of warm and open armed distillate.

This design is made on Avery Dennison paper label material.