Avery Dennison Vintage Cookbook – The Great Divider
Graphic Design, Packaging, Product Design
- 2023


Take a thing as simple as a traditional zipper. Common, simple, mundane. Boring. However, when it just appeared, it was truly a revolutionary item that changed the world of clothing as people knew it. And it’s these small inventions and revolutions, happening here and there throughout history, that shape our lives, our reality. So who knows, which one of those will be the next Great Divider?

How do you cook a vintage design? 

Well, it’s not that hard, if you follow the recipe! Just take a large chunk of packaging design experience, divide it into several parts for convenience, mix in a glass of pure cask-strength inspiration, add a tablespoon of local ethnic spices, and sprinkle it with some craziness for seasoning. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?